
WASD - Move a character around the world.

Space - Break, damage blocks.

C - Put, or interact with blocks.

Q - Discard the item from the inventory.

P - Save the world

0-9 - Select a specific slot in the inventory.

G - Create a desktop to start crafting tools and various equipment

D - Clear local storage. WARNING!!! if you do, your worlds will be removed without the ability to return them.

Left click - Launch or create a world. If you click on a slot and you have selected a specific item in the inventory (0-9), then you will place this item in the place where you clicked

Right click - Delete world (if you press the button. Delete the item from the slot you clicked on.


For some blocks or items, you need to press Shift + C to place them.

The berry bush does not need to be broken completely, just press it once, over time the berries grow.


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