A downloadable kogtyv for Windows, macOS, and Linux


WASD - Move a character around the world.

Space - Break, damage blocks.

C - Place or interact with blocks.

Q - Discard the item from the inventory.

P - Save the world

0-9 - Select a specific slot in the inventory.

G - Create a desktop to start crafting tools and various equipment

Left click - Launch or create a world. If you click on a slot and you have selected a specific item in the inventory (0-9), then you will place this item in the place where you clicked

Right click - Delete world (if you press the button. Delete the item from the slot you clicked on.


For some blocks or items, you need to press Shift + C to place them.

The berry bush does not need to be broken completely, just press it once, over time the berries grow.



Tech-Industrial Alpha 1.1.3 (Linux).zip 105 MB
Tech-Industrial Alpha 1.1.3 (MacOS).zip 109 MB
Tech-Industrial Alpha 1.1.3 (Windows).zip 87 MB

Install instructions

To install this game, you need to download the file to your computer, choosing the right system type. Unpack the archive in an arbitrary folder, run the file "Tech-Industrial (version number)". Keep in mind that when the game is on, it creates files along the way: "C:/.../appdata/SMgames/".

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